23. October 2023
Tribological test methods. Support for material selection and application optimization.
The results of tribological tests help to optimize material selection, improve product quality and service life, reduce costs and develop clear competitive advantages. The practical data obtained enables design engineers to make informed decisions and offer their customers high-performance, reliable products. This blog article deals with the tribological testing methods used, why big data means a lot but not everything, the advantages for plastics processing companies and, above all, the role of the material developer or compounder:
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7. April 2022
Tribological plastic compounds: Infinitely specific.
What at first sounds like squaring the circle, however, ultimately describes "only" the work of a really good plastics compounder: to always condense the unique, specific solution for the respective requirement from an almost unlimited number of potential solution options/tribological plastic compounds. Namely, exactly the plastic compound that contributes significantly to a convincing intermediate or end product - from all decisive points of view. Since these products are mostly invisible in everyday life, we will focus on them here today: The different areas of application for tribological plastic compounds.
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20. January 2022
Tribologically modified plastics. You should know these 5 facts
What is easy to speak, often difficult to understand, is thousands of years old and today more relevant than ever? The tribology! In a nutshell, this is about the theory of friction (from ancient Greek tribein, meaning to rub/wear off and lógos, here meaning teaching). In the truest sense of the word, everything here revolves around the topics of wear, lubrication and lots of physics, chemistry and mechanical engineering. But one by one. Here is a short introduction with the 5 most important facts:
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- 3D printing (6)
- 3D printing filament (4)
- Additive manufacturing (3)
- Application development (2)
- Application technology (2)
- Bicycle components (1)
- Carbon fiber (3)
- Carbon fiber compounds (3)
- Carbon footprint (4)
- CFRP processing (1)
- Chemical resistance (1)
- Coefficient of friction (2)
- Compounds (7)
- Conductivity (1)
- Contract manufacturing (1)
- Cost reduction (3)
- Customized compounds (1)
- Design suitable for plastics (2)
- Development process (1)
- Energy saving (1)
- Extrusion (4)
- Extrusion printing (2)
- Fluoropolymers (1)
- Friction (2)
- Functional prototypes (1)
- High temperature resistance (1)
- High-performance compounds (7)
- High-temperature plastics (2)
- Individual (1)
- Injection moulding (2)
- Innovation (2)
- Laser sintering powder (2)
- LCF (1)
- LFT (2)
- LGF (1)
- Lightweight construction (3)
- Long fiber compounds (1)
- Long fiber theromplastics (4)
- Material development (5)
- Medical technology (1)
- Metal replacement (6)
- Metal substitute (1)
- Mold design (1)
- Orthopedic technology (1)
- Orthoses (1)
- PAEK (1)
- PEEK (2)
- Plain bearings (1)
- Plastics (8)
- Powder bed fusion (1)
- Process design (1)
- Recycling (2)
- Reproducibility (1)
- Serial production (1)
- Sliding pairing (1)
- Sterilizability (1)
- Stiffness (1)
- Strength (3)
- Sustainability (4)
- Technical plastics (2)
- Toll compounding (1)
- Tooling (1)
- Tribological plastics (3)
- Tribology (4)
- Wear (2)
- Weight saving (2)